Sunday, May 11, 2008

Communicatum Militare

Transmitted: Hex
Received: Astropath Numalitor
Destination: Brother Captain Anastasius
Telepathic Duct: Terminus Ehud
Ref: Ordo Malleus/440982230/SV
Author: Justicar Telestes

Thought for the Day: "Emotion is the downfall of the Weak."

Brother Captain,

Daemonic incursion confirmed, destroyed, crystal mines Hex. Thirteen brothers of Titan employing Sus-An and Larraman enhancers for recovery before operations can continue. Seven brothers to garrison site post-rean.

Increased risk of Immaterium Breach also confirmed, sector designate Alpha. Request Brother Captain Athanasius attempt remedy from Environmental Control base, central hub Elysium.

Request immediate audit Psycannon ammunition stores. Tzeentchian filth appears using stolen shells, possibly further tainted, will investigate further.

Telestes, Justicar


Psyberwolfe said...

Da shinee beakies talk funny.


Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

Float aweeeee, fungus boy, float aweeee!

Democratus said...

Stolen shells? I'll have you know that those were rubrics, created 10,000 years ago by Ahriman himself!

At least that's what the salesman at the lot told us.

Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

Rubrics, huh? if it penetrates like a psycannon, and it shoots like a psycannon, and it quacks like a psyconnon...

wait, what?