Saturday, December 29, 2007

CXI kicks butt at Ironbuilder III!

Poney took biggest piece count (640, to Gordon's 519 and Cargill's 319), while Gordon took best conversion. Pictures of Headtaker are coming up-- he incorporates Rogue Trader Marine Legs, a Skaven Tail, and loads of Marine and Berzerker bits from various eras in GW history.

These can be seen a little bigger at my photobucket

(I wanted him armed with a plasma pistol, and wanted him to be WYSIWYG. On the other hand, I wanted him to be busy taking skulls, since Aspiring Champions of Khorne are called "Skull Champions." Thus Headtaker's pistol came to be in his third hand, at the end of a tentacle growing out of his forehead. And now you know the rest of the story... /paul.harvey )

It definitely helped that Thursday and Friday were devoted to clipping and cleaning pieces, putting bits into labelled pill-bottles for quicker assembly-- nothing was glued, of course, but everything was readied, and the conversion planned out.

Cargill, with whom Marcellus split prizes at the last Ironbuilder took the prize for most vehicles (with a Linebreaker Squadron, a Baal Predator, and a Suppression Force featuring Sammael's Flying Land Raider).

The game, which Poney skipped, went to Cargill after six grueling turns of his forces vs. Gordon's Witch Hunter Inquisitor Lord w/ retinue, 12 berzerkers, 21 Kroot, 8 Fire Warriors with Marker Drone, 3 Stealth Suits with a Fusion Blaster (Meltagun), a small squadron of Gun Drones, and a fusion Blaster-armed Piranha. A solid victory to him, not a crushing one, and not a slaughter-- the MVP award goes to Buzzy the Gun Drone, who made Sammael cry and run away at top speed in turn 2 (Buzzy and his partner Dizzy left the Piranha in Turn 1, and the Piranha Shook Sammael's Crew, whereupon Sam ran 24" straight away to the far corner of the table)! In turn 6, Buzzy was still around, having made several armor saves and having spent the game plinking at rear and side armors of various tanks, finally emptying his Twin Linked Pulse Carbines into the rear of the Flying Land Raider, whose Crew the Inquisitor Lord's Inferno Pistol had already managed to Stun.

If all were as it should be, Buzzy really ought to have asploded the Flying Land Raider, but, alas, it was not to be. Nevertheless, his cache has been carefully downloaded to Fire Caste Central Command, to serve as a template for the next generation of Drone AI. His statue will stand somewhere, surely!


Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

No, it was cargill that had the Baal Predator.

Such are the vagaries of the Ironbuilder that there was both a Baal Predator and Sammael of the Dark Angels.

Atreides said...

I only have 3 predators... And not a Baal one in the bunch, though, I am getting ready to paint speeders 6, 7 and 8...

Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

Wotta coincidence! I'm getting ready to assemble Piranhas 5 and 6!

Any chance you'll be at the Lair Tuesday for the Apocalypse?

Democratus said...

Way to go, team!

Congrats to everyone for the wins. I love the tentacle gun guy.

Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

Thanks, D!

He was fun to make, and he even balances! The nickel in his base keeps him pretty stable, too.

I lucked out, too, as there was a Tau player there who wanted to trade 4 Fire Warriors (from me) for a Piranha (from him). He'd bought a boxed army, and needed four more to make 24, or two full sized squads. It was certainly a sweet deal for me. :-)