Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reporting: MagLev 1 has fallen.

Transmission, Shas'O Dalyth Lorossa to Aun'El Dalyth Rakithia.

Esteemed Aun'El,

I must report that MagLev Hub 1 has fallen to Gue'la control. In accordance with your instructions, I have dispatched most of my forces along the length of the Hub-Gel'bryn corridor, and arranged for continuous bombardment of the Gue'la vehicles and troops. Consequently, the station itself was guarded by the Pathfinder La'Rua Choosers of the Slain and my own Crisis Team. The Choosers were supported by Hammerhead None Shall Oppose, and the area mined and seeded with personal transponders.

Gue'La landing pods of the Marine unit designated "Star Hammers" assaulted the area in force, along with jump-equipped close assault troops and a unit of Finisher Teleportation troops. We were able to slow the advance of many of these, but in so doing, have lost control of our central task, the security of the station itself and thus the rapid transportation of troops and materiel throughout this corridor.

We are evacuating the Choosers for medical attention, together with my two Crisis Shas'vre. We request refit and repair of weaponry for None Shall Oppose, and recommend her Kor'ui pilot for commendation. My own injuries are inconsequential, treated in the field. My scars I shall bear in penance for having failed you in my mission.

I am proceeding south ahead of the Gue'la advance, to rejoin the remainder of our Kau'ui and commence attrition of Gue'la forces. I have also to report from conferral with evacuation Kor'ui that infighting may have broken out among factions of the invaders themselves. Without any Greater Good to guide them in a single vision, how can they not fall into conflict and chaos?

I await further instruction, and accept the penalties you deem appropriate for my failure.

Shas'O Dalyth Lorossa,
Gel'bryn Kau'ui


Democratus said...

Not to mention the filth that will be left on the mag-lev platforms by the boots and tracks of the primative Space Marines.

The Earth Caste janitorial services will have their work cut out for them.

Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

Wait, you mean to say that they are actually walking on the surface of the MagLev ribbon itself? Great Aun'Va's name!
Next you'll be telling me that they are driving their primitive tracked vehicles upon it!