Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dragon's Lair 40K Escalation League begins!

The Hive Queen and I went down to the Lair for this, with 500 points of Combat Patrolliness that included one mandatory HQ and one mandatory Troop, no ordnance, no 2+ saves, no more than 2 wounds in a model. And yes, my models all had colors, in fact, I made sure all my Shas'la and Shas'ui were in full Scorpion Green armor. Poney likewise did a bang-up job of having her Immolator ready and her sisters in nice basic paints!

Poney ran a variation on the sisters force she tried out at the Forge last week; I ran a variation on the Tau force that had opposed it.

I got to play the event organizer for a nice, solid win-- he ran DA successors, a chaplain with command squad of bolter jockeys, two 5 man tacs in two HB razorbacks. Extra Armor on one razorback was the sole upgrade. He had a good army, with good tactics, and his dice hated his guts today. I lost my Stealth Suits to the greater good; my MVPs were a sextet of Fire Caste Warriors in the rocks who were charged by five, then four, tac marines, and over two close combat phases killed them all with no losses. Let me say that again: killed them all with no losses. Sweet Leaping Jeebus.

Poney had to team up with a BA player versus footy Eldar and Larry Prinzivalle's marines (props to Larry here-- he was subbing in for a guy who was turned away because he hadn't bothered to put two colors on his models. Speaking of which, props to Mr. Dragonforce the organizer for turning the fellow away. Not easy or fun to do, but he made his league rules stick). I think she would have preferred to win or lose her own fight, especially since her partner had some odd ideas about what he could or couldn't do (read, he never fired a pistol shot, because he was fielding a chaplain with death company and assault marines with pistols, and thought he couldn't fight or assault if he fired). The table, bar Poney, also was exceedingly off on ICs fighting in Close Combat, too. How hard is it to read the rules, and then understand that an IC counts as though it were a separate unit? Apparently, VERY. Oh well.

Old Timer Heath showed up (he's been away helping his wife open a vet clinic, and the like, but was Jonesing to play), and would have done a little better (read: his Stealers would have gotten into assault) had he rechecked the stats (bolters are AP5, not AP4, Scuttlers/Scouts can always use their ability independent of scenario, etc). A few other old faces were there, even another Tau force (with KROOT!) in Sacea urban armor.

Next event is in two weeks, and forces are bumped up by 250 points, still holding to the same Combat Patrolly structure (we shift to the normal force org chart at 1000).

Good times, yo.

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