Wednesday, November 7, 2007

When is GW going to realease new FAQs?

So I posed a request to the High Lords of GW about a few weeks back on the Kommando board. I requested that us mild mannered gammers in Austin want GW to produce all new FAQ's. This is the response that was received today from Chris Gohlinghorst, the GW guy in charge of the Kommando Program:

I posed this question to Jeremy Vetock this weekend at the BaltimoreGT (he's the head of the games dev team at the Global Studios). Allesio is in charge of the FAQ process and, as we speak, is now beginning the whole FAQ project (he just wrapped up work on a rather huge project, so I'm told he can now focus on the FAQs).

I'd be surprised if we see anything before summer given the scope of the task at hand, but it's nice to hear first hand that they know theFAQs needs updating and, in fact, have a hard-core rules heads now taking care of it.

Well there it is. At least we have a possible projected time frame. I'm now curious what that "rather huge project" is all about?


Ethereal Council, Dalyth Prime said...

On new projects: one of the big pieces of talk is that Orbital Assault will be a large part of it. I expect this to mean ship-to-ship combat, as well as new uses of Deep Strike (tunnelers, boarding torpedoes, and the like).

And yes, it's good news to hear that the FAQ will be headed by someone who's run into rules before, and to it will have "occurred" to abuse a rule, and will therefore seek an answer for it.

Psyberwolfe said...

Speaking of ship to ship combat I've been looking at a stack of 2'x2'boards that would be perfect for the basis for modular spaceship corridors.