Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chaos on the Move

All units report successfully relocating to quadrant 7-B of the abandoned metropolis. Forward elements met resistance in the city center and were forced to sweep and clear the area. It seems that the native Xenos forces are more substantial than first believed. As a result of this unexpectedly strong resistance, our squad of Berzerkers was taken out of action by weight of enemy missile fire. While replacement troops are quite enthusiastic to join the fray, they are somewhat lacking in battle experience. Time will tell if they live up to the high standards lord Lucius (his boldness knows no bounds!) has set for this glorious army.

Heavy use of warp powers by our sorcerer have caused some disturbances in the Immaterium, making it more difficult to commune with the Powers. As a result, Lucius (through his unmatched intellect!) has called a temporary ban on such heavy-handed use of Sorcerous powers. They are not to be used unless the fate of this campaign is at stake.

Our force of Plague Marines has again acquitted itself in battle and has earned the further blessings of their patron lord. Battle Honors bestowed upon them should serve as motivation for the others. The gifts of the Ruinous Powers are showered upon those who serve well!

Our redeployed scouts have reported another force of Space Marines in the wilderness to the West. These cursed Imperials are like cockroaches! We must strike at them before they can link up with the other Imperial forces on the planet. Our Seers have informed us that there is someone in the ranks of this force who has great potential to thwart our plans. He must be eliminated to tilt the tide of battle in our favor. Assassin teams have been dispatched and have been instructed to report success - or not report back at all.

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