Finally we make planet fall! Our time in the Warp was well spent, as Lucius lowered the Gellar field and allowed all on board to experience the glory of the Immaterium. Those who would not see the truth were sacrificed to the fell powers, and favor was heaped upon us by the dark Gods.
It took little time for the worshipers of the False Emperor to discover us in their midst and they dispatched a force to eliminate us before we could spread the True Word any further.
What follows is a report of this first struggle to bring freedom to all on Dayleth.
_Imperial Forces_
Librarian (Fury of the Ancients, Fear the Darkness)
5 Terminators (2 Auto Cannon)
Tac Squad Alpha
10 Marines (Missile Launcher, Plasmagun)
Tac Squad Beta
10 Marines (Missile Launcher, Plasmagun)
Tac Squad Gamma
10 Marines (Missile Launcher, Plasmagun)
1 Predator Annihilator w/ Lascannon Sponsons
Devastator Squad (4 Lascannons)
_Chaos Forces_HQ
Lucius the Eternal
Daemon Prince
7 Plague Marines (Plasmagun, Meltagun, Power Fist)
8 Khorne Berserkers (2 Plasma Pistol, Power Fist)
10 Raptor (2 Meltaguns, Paired Lightning Claws, Icon of Slaanesh)
Defiler (Reaper AC, Extra CCW)
Vindicator (Daemonic Possession)
Marine:The Marines decided that it was best to stand their ground and fire on the approaching forces of Chaos.
Marines started the turn with a full strike from the Predator into the side armor of the Vindicator. Luck was with the Vindicator and it suffered a single 'Crew Stunned' result which was ignored due to Daemonic Possession. The Librarian unleashed his 'Fury' power but failed to wound or pin any chaos units. All other units were out of LOS from the enemy and thus held their ground.
Chaos:Chaos movement was a flurry of activity as the entire force advanced. The Khorne Rhino and Defiler moved forward toward the Devastator squad. The Vindicator moved up the center hoping to put the tower between itself and the Predator. The Plague Marine Rhino also moved up the right flank. All Rhinos popped smoke. The Daemon Prince and the Raptor squad flew over a small forest and began moving toward the Imperial left flank.
The Defiler fired a Battle Cannon round at the Devastator squad and managed to kill 3 of them in the blast. One of the Raptors managed a long range melta blast at the Predator, but failed to have any affect. All other units were out of range.
TURN 2Marine:
Again, the Marines enjoyed good positioning in cover and opted to stand and shoot.
The Devastator squad unleashed a full volley of Lascannon fire into the Defiler, reducing it to component parts. Two Tactical squads used their Missile Launchers against the Vindicator but only managed to shake it - again ignored due to Daemonic Possession. The Predator combined fire with the Terminator squad to slay the Daemon Prince at range. With a howl of rage it dissipated back to into the warp. Tactical squad Gamma fired at the fast approaching Raptors and slew 5 of them. Though greatly reduced, the Raptors refused to fall back.
The Khorne Rhino now moved another 12" toward the Devastators and unloaded a Berserker Squad led by none other than Lucius. The Nurgle Rhino moved forward and unloaded 7 Plague Marines. The Vindicator was now in a position where the Predator could not see it, so it prepared to fire. The Raptor squad leapt forward to the edge of the Marine lines and made ready to charge.
Pistol fire from the Khorne troops killed one marine in the Devastator squad. The Doom Siren of Lucius killed another. A huge cannon shot from the Vindicator managed to kill 2 members of Tac Squad Beta. The Plague Marines fired plasma and melta at the Predator stunning it for the turn.
The Raptors then charged into cover to attack Tac Squad Gamma and killed 4 of them, loosing one of their own in the melee.
Marine:The Marine Terminators moved around cover to gain full fields of fire into the Chaos forces. All other units held their ground.
The Devastator squad had limited Line of Sight to the Berserkers but knew that they must kill them before being charged. They fired into the Khorne Berserkers, killing 2 of them. Tac squad Beta fired its missile at the Vindicator again, but to no affect. Tac squad Alpha fired a long range volley at the Berserkers and killed 1. The Terminator squad fired fully into the Plague marines scoring many hits (including 4 rends) from Assault Cannons, but the blessing of Nurgle was on them and only 3 perished under the onslaught. The Librarian once again unleashed Fury of the Ancients against the Plague Marines but they would not be cowed.
Fighting between the Raptors and Squad Gamma continued, with only the brave Marine Sergeant surviving the Slaanesh-blessed blades of the Raptors.
Lucius Separated from his squad to flank the Devastator squad as the Berserkers charged forward into the fray. The Khorne Rhino moved to block LOS from Tac Squad Alpha and give the butchers some privacy. The Plague Marines marched forward toward the Terminators and Predator. The Nurgle Rhino moved in front of the Predator, hoping to block its view of enemy units.
Lucius began the firing phase by unleashing another Doom Siren, killing one more Devastator. The Khorne Berserkers held their fire. The Vindicator again fired on Squad Beta and killed two more of them. The Plague Marines fired on the Terminators with plasma, melta and bolters - killing 2 of the giants, wounding the Librarian and forcing them to fall back.
The Raptors finished off the lone Sergeant and moved into deep cover. Lucius and the Berserkers charged into the Devastators and wiped them out in furious fighting - loosing one more Berserker in the process. They then consolidated behind cover to avoid fire from Tac Squad Alpha.
All forces stood to fight.
The Predator fired a full salvo of Lascannons at the Rhino at point blank range, managing only to stun it. The terminators attempted some long range fire at the Plague Marines but to little affect. Tac Squads Alpha and Beta fired missile launchers at the Vindicator again, failing to do damage. All in all a rough shooting phase for the Marines.
The Raptors move behind the Predator in an attempt to exploit the weak rear armor. The Plague Marines again march forward toward the Terminators in order to bring their guns to bear. Lucius rejoins the Berserkers and they wait to see if they are needed. The Khorne Rhino moves again to place itself between Tac Squad Alpha and the Vindicator, hoping that it can help spare the valuable asset.
The Vindicator fires another volley at Tac Squad Beta, killing another two marines. The Raptors fire meltas at the rear of the Predator, knocking out its turret Lascannon. The Plague Marines fire again at the Terminators with Plasma and bolters, killing another Terminator and the Librarian himself! The hail of fire proves too much for them as they fall back off of the field of battle.
The Raptors then assault the Predator with a meltabomb but only manage to stun the vehicle.
The Predator takes a risk and drives out of the cover and away from the Raptors. All other units hold their ground as they recover from the loss of their leader.
Tac Squad Alpha fires missiles and plasma at the Khorne Rhino, destroying it. Squad Beta again fires on the Vindicator, but the vehicle seems impenetrable.
The raptors take to the air, again gaining position behind the Predator. The Plague Marines load up into the Nurgle Rhino and begin to move toward Tac Squad Beta.
The Raptors fire meltas again at the Predator, again only stunning the crew despite the weak rear armor. The Vindicator fails to hit Squad Beta with its cannon.
Then the Raptors charge the Predator and finally manage to destroy it with close combat weapons.
TURN 6Marine:
Squads Alpha and Beta hold their ground, swearing to sell their lives well.
Squads Alpha and Beta fire missiles at the Vindicator once again, but it again survives.
The Plague Marines unload from the Rhino and move up to fire upon Squad Beta. The Rhino then attempts to Tank Shock the unit out of its cover. The brave missile trooper holds his ground and immobilizes the Rhino mere inches from his feet. The raptor squad moves toward Squad Beta but is too far to do any harm. The Khorne Berserkers with Lucius move out of cover and toward Squad Alpha - hoping for a successful charge.
Withering fire from the Plague Marines reduces Squad Beta to two troopers - both special weapons marines. Fire from the Berserkers and Lucius manage to kill 2 members of Squad Alpha. The Vindicator holds its fire for fear of damaging its own troops.
No chaos units are able to make the charge distance to the Marines and so the battle is ended.
Terminator Squad
Tactical Squad Beta - 1/2 str
Tactical Squad Gamma
Devastator Squad
Daemon Prince
Khorne Rhino
Raptor Squad - 1/2 str
Chaos Decisive Victory
MVP Units
Marines:Predator Annihilator: For delivering the killing blow to the Daemon Prince and tying up the Raptor force.
Chaos:Death Guard: For forcing a Terminator squad off the board and killing the Librarian